Blue Moon Bar & Grill
119 Mashell Avenue North
Eatonville, WA 98328
Pierce County
Phone: (360) 832-3678
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Hours: unknown
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by Cookie M. on
We came here when visiting friends in NY a couple of weeks ago. We had planned just to bowl and then head off into the night, but then found out from the waitress about the club upstairs. One manager we had been talking to and having a laugh with earlier invited us up and the night took off from there. Burlesque dancers, jugglers and beers. Definitely an experience. We had a pretty successful run at the games which saw my girlfriend become the proud owner of a goldfish and a zoo's worth of stuffed animals. The staff were fun, from bouncers to bar, they were happy to chat with the hyperactive (blame the cotton candy) tourists :) Good night had by all.
by Autumn K. on
I managed to eat around 3 slices of pizza from Escape From New York last night. Don't ask me how I did it,  I'm not even sure. Was it a good idea? No. Should I have walked next door to Nick's Crispy Tacos and gotten a veggie taco instead? Absolutely. The veggie tacos here  come with cabbage, guacamole, and a ton of other vegetarian goodness. And they're really big!  The meat tacos are just as good but vegetables won't clog your arteries or haunt you in your dreams. I take issue with Nick's ONLY because they are inside of Rouge, which is, aside from the corner of Turk and Taylor, probably my least favorite place in SF. However, because the tacos are delicious, I am willing to suck it up, tolerate the drunk-seat-dancers (You know- the 21 year olds from Richmond who have had too many drinks to walk by 9 p.m. and therefore sit glued to their booth seats, swaying back and forth and fist pumping), and take my food to go.
by Clarissa Maclaughlin on
A charming dive full of friendly people. And when I say full, I mean sweaty hipsterdork pressed up against a sea of fellow sweaty hipsterdorks. Which made for great people-watching, but was challenging for actual dancing. Excellent tunes, mostly 80s-ish, but also more recent Britpop. I really liked the style of the coatcheck chick who looked like she should be in a John Waters movie, and I mean that with great admiration; and the guy with the handlebar mustache and op-art British flag button down shirt. Those were the folks who work there. As for the attendees, most of the guys wore either a shirt & tie in that sexy nerdy way or  just a regular shirt in a more casual way, and both fit in just fine. The women were either decked out in retro-hipster-chic or just wore typical club clothes, either way totally cute. But not fake or plastic or intimidatingly beautiful. Some people really embraced the 80s aesthetic, like that woman who wore a business shirt with ruffles and a business skirt with hose. She looked like a really hot extra in that movie with Melanie Griffith where she's all 80s & in that office outsmarting Sigourney Weaver. I'm not sure if I say that with the utmost admiration or not, but I was certainly entranced by her style. I also really liked the guy who danced at the front of the stage who really embraced his inner emo rockstar. I think those two knew each other. I kind of loved them. The music wasn't really dance music per se, but that didn't stop anyone from boppin' around. A LOT of people, all bobbing at once. It was all pretty vertical bopping in the interest of space. If this place were less crowded, it would be my favorite place on earth. But I hate crowds, so I'm not sure if it's really the place for me.
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