Blue Moon Cafe
117 South Chester Pike
Glenolden, PA 19036
Delaware County
Phone: (484) 953-5018
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Jonathan C. on
I visited on a Saturday night which also happened to be gay night on Pride weekend. Needless to say, the place was packed. To top off whatever left over room there was in the place, Kelis drew a crowd for her performance at the club that night. The crowd was fun and Kelis' performance was amazing but those were about the only two things that really distinguished Voyeur. Overall the experience was right down the middle: one that I wouldn't seek out but wouldn't avoid doing again. The place has a front bar with a lounge space, a back lounge/dance area divided from the front by a convenient cage occupied by scantily clad dancers, and a back room that is awkwardly laid out with a second DJ and bar. The back room is nice since it tends to be a little less packed. Overall, the bondage-themed decor was consistent, if a bit dull. While one might think that scantily clad dancers and studded walls would provide titillation, sex just doesn't pierce the ennui as well as a unique, original theme in our Gaga-fied age. I've heard that the place is really difficult to get into but my experience has been no hassle at the door -- just dress well and be friendly to the staff who are competent and friendly to anyone who isn't being too sloppy. The drinks are a little more overpriced than your average Hollywood club so either be prepared to spend or come with a buzz.
by Jory J. on
Yes, yes, yes. Nice people run this joint. Good Music. Dance like a fool on a Thursday night. Stiff cocktails.
by Dexter Forgey on
This place take me back to college for sure... it's not pretentious at all and you should prepared for anything. Sure you pay $5 bucks after 10pm... but I'm all for supporting cool spots in the city that I'd like to frequent again. Live DJ that doesn't play too many stupid mashups like Harlot's and you can create your own little dance review if the music moves you. It doesn't get busy until late ... I suggest Lazlo's first for a drinky poo. ** DJ Rashan you are the dopest! Never have I had a DJ play everything I requested within minutes! But then again, I have good taste so why not!
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