Boardwalk Complex
1501 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Allegheny County
Phone: (412) 281-1588
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Sam P. on
Half-price until 8 pm everyday?? Did we accidentally leave New York City? What a treat after paying $7 PER Sam Adams Octoberfest pint  to pay like $9 for an entire pitcher!  We actually left after one pitcher, went to the Museum of Natural History, then went back for another two pitchers. The draft selection wasn't extensive, but serviceable. They had Sam Adams Lager, Octoberfest, an IPA, Honkers Ale, then the usuals like Bud Light. Added bonus: Beer Pong and the Big Buck Safari game. Foosball quarter tray was a little faulty, but they came and got the game to work although we were left with a tied score and one ball shy to determine the victor. We ordered a hot dog and fries which are in fact delivered from the Gin Mill down the street. We didn't have high expectations, but the hot dog wasn't good. It was like a day old gas station dog. The fries however were tasty and i would recommend getting fries . A nice little outdoor seating area, great for people watching. We enjoyed inventing and playing our own people watching drinking game for people that walk by. Feel free to give it a try or invent your own. *Not responsible for your actions* 1 drink: smoker, someone wearing anything that says New York or a Yankees hat , every time the food runner comes back with an order 2 drinks: baby stroller, rolling suitcase 3 drinks: someone carrying flowers, 5 drinks: baby stroller being pushed by a dude on his own, couple where girl is taller than the guy 10 drinks: animal dressed in any kind of clothing
by Reginald Leistiko on
Short and Sweet. Love their Saturdays: Young, old, Black, White, Latino, Asian. Old school, new school. best versatile club centrally located on Saturday in Atlanta :)
by Benito Muphy on
venue: nice. roomy. nothing special. bar: not bad, although they did mess up a few drinks at 3 different bars. crowd: not bad, but could be a bit better looking... had to cockblock for my female friends...but i guess i dont mind. probably won't come back here for a while, a long while...
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