112 West Court Square
Waverly, TN 37185
Humphreys County
Phone: (931) 296-9743
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by ju l. on
"If you can read, thank a teacher.  If you can read in English, thank a Marine." "This is America... order in English!" I saw the giant sign about Mumia Abu-Jamal first, and other indications only once I approached the counter.  But I told myself to just ignore it, to pretend that I wasn't supporting these inherently and thinly-veiled white-supremacist ideologies.  Food has nothing to do with politics or racist dogma, right?  I ordered my sandwich and tried not to let my expectations of human dignity --or the fact that I actually felt UNSAFE-- get in the way of eating the damn cheesesteak. But alas.  The sandwich did not justify any of the above, nor did it justify the $7.50 and 10 minutes waiting on line.  It was too much BREAD, which was neither toasted nor flavorful.  The meat itself was bland despite being visibly marbled with fat, and there was too little of it.  The provolone was good, but who screws up bread + cheese + bread?  Onions lacked onion flavor and were a textural addition (though equally useless) at best.  Is this really what Philly prides itself on?* I left feeling like I had just prostituted myself.  Never, ever again.  For all future patrons of Geno's, educate yourself on linguistic prejudice first, and then go to Geno's and test how much you want to vomit after forcing yourself to eat the sub-par sandwich.  I'm personally ashamed. *To be fair, maybe I just got a shittier cheesesteak because I'm not white.
by Kerry G. on
Love the decor. Our waitress was very good and we even survived the lunch with the twins. They were very accommodating and the rueben was yummy.
by Raleigh Casuat on
As Fourth of July rolls around, I start to reiminisce about my days in Boston, particularly the one where I viewed the fireworks from the Esplanade in Boston, after listening to Barry Manilow croon his sweet tunes. Which leads me to remember some of the more memorable Boston haunts... I think I only went to Saint 3 or 4 times (alcohol absolutely kills any soupçon of a memory), but here's what I can recall: Visit 1: Go for my first birthday in Boston with my 3 female roommates and I think some guy. Maybe more than 1 guy. I can't remember. One roommate was insanely crass and used another, more famous, roommate's name to get in. Give all 3 roommates lap dances on the couches in the larger room. Visit 2: No idea who I went with. Ended up showing some strangers some skin. Visit 3: Go for my last birthday in Boston with the boyfriend du jour, some other friends, and one of the receivers of the lap dance. Friend's (now ex-) husband is a complete douche bag and kind of ruins it. Realized that when you are not as drunk, people in this place are the biggest posers since Gumby. Came to the conclusion that one must be completely blotto to not get offended by the x-ray scan both the men and women give you before deeming you beneath them. And even then the night is only declared a winner if you give someone a lap dance.
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