Bohannon's East
1728 Wabash Avenue
Terre Haute, IN 47807
Vigo County
Phone: (812) 234-2638
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jon T. on
Where all my dance moves are born. Thanks Kon on Saturdays.
by Jeanetta Belvin on
Ecco is a great place.  Very cool atmosphere, great staff, and great food.  While the dinner menu is outstanding, it's also very satisfying to sit at the bar and order from the selections of meats and cheeses which are served in heaping portions on a cutting board with their fabulous bread and butter.
by Steeeeeeeve H. on
A: "So is there anything going on tonight?" B: "Hmph, none that I know of..." A: "Wanna go to Park?" B: "Hollah." Being one of the few places where I frequent regularly, Park has proved from time to time that it is a fun venue to just kick back and relax. The venue is enormous with outdoor seating for low-key lounging and an upstair terrace for those willing to get down and dirty. Best of all, there is no cover. Catch this place on a bumping night and you just might see something scandalous happening in the hot tub on the terrace. The only reason Park did not receive five stars is because of the crowded bar. Despite the fact that there are three separate bars, it is still at times frustrating to get a drink.
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