BOJI Nites
87 West Broadway
Arnolds Park, IA 51331
Dickinson County
Phone: (712) 332-5975
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Donald Heuangvilay on
I'm what some people would call an aquarium connoisseur. I've been to all the major aquarium's in the country and this is certainly, by a million points, the best one in the U.S., if not the world. FOR DIVERS: If you can afford the Diving with Gentle Giants program, do it. You won't regret it. I was able to swim with four whale sharks, a hammerhead, two giant manta rays, a guitarfish and caribbean black-tipped sharks. There is nowhere else, not even the ocean, where you can encounter all these wonderful creatures at once. Swimming with these beautiful animals was the experience of a lifetime and one of the best days of my life. FOR NORMAL PEEPS: This place is great. It's good for the kids and it is the only place in the U.S. to see whale sharks in captivity. Seriously, spend the $37 dollars and come here. If you're not scuba certified, definitely try the swimming with gentle giants program as it is so genuinely incredible.
by Loretta Medlin on
Sanctum, just found out about it and its just down the street from me. I have to say I have been finding these secret hideaways living in Central/Downtown Phx that I had no idea existed and this is one! Granted, it was a Tuesday and kinda slow BUT the DJs were talented (dubstep/drum n bass and a live percussionist) and the atmosphere is there. I think if they promote it right it could work, the devil/goth thing is fun.
by jen s. on
yes, "brit pop" existed before 1980! and at leisure, you can not only hear early brit rockers (plus the standard blur-pulp fare), but you're occasionally treated to the american r&b dance hits that inspired 'em. (not, of course, any robert or chester or mckinley--but wouldn't THAT be a good night of drinking--and pop music history?) mixed and laid back crowd. while most reviews here have commented on the "older crowd," i find that leisure's full of youngsters. (i'm 27 for context.) boys invariably sport skinny ties and floppy hair falling diagnally across the forehead. hot girl candy, or should i say hot young girl candy? also, annie's is just an awesome bar. i have a crush on owner-annie (whom i've seen many times but never spoken to) from afar. kinda miss going to bail bonds row, though. i suppose that's a different review.
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