Bonesy's Bar & Grill
17 South Work Street
Falconer, NY 14733
Chautauqua County
Phone: (716) 665-2402
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Andre L. on
Shocking, exciting, vulgar, raunchy, expensive, exclusive, and fun are a few words that pop into my head when I think of The Box! Make sure that you are on the list or have your confirmation email on your PDA because the door is tough. The scene is packed with socialites, models (I'm 5'8 and it seemed like I was the shortest person there), and celebs (Jude Law is one of the investors).  They serve dinner and absinthe cocktails which is always a plus in my book.
by Mirtha Milan on
The only reason they didnt get 5 stars is the music... However this shouldnt discourage you as I like electronic music of all sorts. Hip Hop and Top 40 gets old after the first 30 minutes. Crowd is nice, plenty parking and cheap valet parking ($16). Drinks are $10-$14 but they are strong. I still like going to this place.
by k. w. on
One of my favorite places to see a show.  Went here for the Pre-BFD party and saw LCD Soundsystem play and got weak in the knees when they played 'North American Scum' and 'I Love you NY, But You're Bringing Me Down'. The guy who does the bookings here really needs to get some props because he's turned Mezzanine into one of the best destination spots for live music. I read some reviews about it being too crowded, but this is one of the things I love most about this venue.  You can get all hot and sweaty dancing on the floor and then go up to the balcony area for a drink and to cool off. Great venue, great shows.
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