Boogie Woogies
915 SW 2nd St
Portland, OR 97075
Washington County
Phone: (503) 417-8717
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Alexis K. on
It's not a typical diner, at least how I've experienced them. When we went here on our trip, we were looking for more typical diner fare, not clever takes on it. The food is a bit fancier, and the prices reflect that. The food tastes good, but the service- it was a little negligent. I'm not sure if it's because we weren't drinking, like quite a few of the patrons, but regardless, it's bs.
by Christine C. on
I only come to Suede at the requests of my friends because for some reason they like to have their birthdays here. Even if your name is on the guest list, who cares, you only can get in if you're the first 5 people in line.  It was a good thing I did get there early to be #4!  When I got inside, there was NOBODY there and then I find out that they're making people pay at the door!  I think that is absurd... The random mix of people the night I went was definitely not the crowd I am used to...but I was here for 2 good friends and that's all that mattered.  Once we were let upstairs and partied with our friends, it was tons of fun. I agree with Ryan Y. it's not Vegas, don't wear those dresses!
by Tatyana Fellner on
Came here for dancing last saturday and my friends and I had a blast! First of all, there's no cover so yay! It's kinda scary though that the dance floor is all the way up there...and umm...what happens in case of a fire?!! Do we all then have to jump off?! Oh...and i lost my camera here! No no...i take that back..i forgot in the bathroom stall....and when i came back for it 2 mins later...the bathroom attendant said she never saw it! Really?!? Hmm...i highly doubt that since the bathroom door swings open..and the bathroom was empty when we left!?! Anyway..the music was good...patron shots were $12 each...and theres a $30 minimum for credit card charges!
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