by Miles C. H. on
Mighty - aptly named. Titan speakers dominate this large party space. As others have noted it may be the most powerful club sound system in the Bay area--rocks the whole building but still doesn't hurt your ears or distort. Great to hear some 80s favorites with this rarely achieved level of bass authority. Star off for wait-in-line, one-at-a-time, Trainspotter-style restrooms. For 800 people? Seriously? Yes. And inside, they're lit only with about a 10-watt bulb way high up--near total darkness! This may be a blessing since it's hard to see the filth you are standing in. But... why? Go to Mighty because their stereo is way better than yours.
by Jack N. on
Specifically for the Vault downstairs Cool layout, super interesting bathrooms My review might be slightly different than others. I went here for a Philosophy discussion event, not your avg drink and dance session. The place is wicked cool. Its divided into 4 or 5 "rooms", with round cushioned bench seats covering the whole wall of each room with a gap for the entry-way. But its not really a room, because all the rooms are only divided by these bench seats. There's no actual walls. I think they have velvet drapes to divide the rooms for other events, but I'm not sure. The bathrooms are unisex, but you wouldn't know it when you first enter. You see there's 2 separate set of doors (even the doors are cool, they look like subway doors, but they swing open instead of sliding), but neither one has any label on them. Obvious guy response is look for urinal. Neither one of them has any. So you just find your stall to do your business. But when you go wash your hands, you realize bathroom 1 and bathroom 2 is connected! There is no mirror where the mirror is suppose to be. Instead, you see a row of plants and you see right into the other bathroom. I was over some paper towels right across to the other person in bathroom 2 because they ran out over there.