122 Arlington Avenue
Moundsville, WV 26041
Marshall County
Phone: (304) 845-9733
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Tony C. on
Meh. This is place is a below-average nightclub. Crowd is quite ghetto. Music is alright. All that for $20 cover? and you have to pay for parking somewhere? Not worth it. The only cool thing is that its in an area where there's alot more clubs you should be at.
by neelie r. on
Exactly what I expected.  Clean, basic bar in a funkyish 'hood.  $6 beer.  Was here for a special event in the mid-afternoon which was fairly crowded ($5 admission).  Not my thing, but I can see the appeal.
by Gabriele Lepere on
The Gallery is a funny place.  It's bizarro mall that doesn't have the store you know, it has a store that is the other-world equivalent of it.  So, instead of Gap, it has Net.  All of these stores are technically boutique stores in that they are the only location of this store but are in mall-store clothing.  Weird... It also has a EB Games and a Gamestop, which are the same company and, yet, not viewed as redundant. What I dislike about this place is that it closes at 7 on Saturday.  I know that this is to keep the roaming gangs of kids from gaining too much momentum and causing all kinds of trouble but, still, 7?  Really? I guess it says what kind of place when it's cornerstone stores are Kmart, Burlington Coat Factory, and Old Navy.
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