Boot Hill Nightclub
910 North Gurley Avenue
Gillette, WY 82716
Campbell County
Phone: (307) 686-6404
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Mariko Mantis on
can't beat this place if you want a laid back atmosphere and good/great hip hop music.  no cover if you go early ($5 if you go late - after 11pm).  cheap drinks - $5 average, unheard of in NYC!  it is small, but the music and the vibe make grooving in a cramped space worth it!
by Allan M. on
First of all, I will always remember Shine because a gay man touched my chest and told me I was cute. Very flattering! Went straight to my girlfriends to get my manhood back. I came here a few months ago to party with my older siblings for the first time since I turned 21...but soon realized that this was not the kind of place for someone my age. My siblings are 8-10 years older than I was the rest of the crowd here. When I go out dancing, I'm looking forward to hip-hop...but this place only plays dance/techno music. My friends and I went up to the DJ to see if he could throw in a little T-Pain...and we got shot down! One of the cool things about this place was that for a certain period of time, you could play Heads or Tails with the bartender. If you called it correctly, the drink was on the house! For some reason...we lost more than we won. Like...we lost a lot! It was still fun though...and a great deal if you are a great guesser. Don't get me wrong. I think Shine is a lot of fun...but just not right for me at this stage of my life. If you are looking for a mixed crowd of people 25 and older...enjoy dance all means you should come here.
by Helene Miesse on
I went to Yoshi's only for dinner. I wanted to try out a new spot and was not disappointed. I have to admit that the food is pricey, but for two we had 8 dishes plus dessert plus wine and a cocktail and paid $170. That seems do-able. The biggest plus is that normally when I go out and want to taste something different I end up with a huge plate and could only try 2 things - at Yoshi's I had the pleasure of trying eight different things. Among the things we had which were fantastic: Panko Monkfish saute - delicious chawan mushi - texture and taste was incredible maguro sampler - melting in your mouth Black Cod - the caramelized taste of the cod was a new experience Filet Mignon - melting in your mouth again The only thing I was not crazy for was the dessert. Thats usually where I can form a real qualified opinion about a place - but even though the desserts were interesting, the taste of the chocolate cake and doughnuts was nothing special. About the place itself: I think the restaurant area is very nicely done - large airy warehouse style without the warehouse feeling. The waiters were super attentive and knew their stuff. I will come back here.
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