by Donya Meakin on
Salsa lessons on Mon nights. $7 cover $2 Coronas $3 Margaritas, so for $12 you can get your drink and spin on, where in this city can you find a deal like that! Salsa (or any kind of cultured) dancing in on my life to-do-list, and just took some baby steps forward. The instructors were nice, patient and didn't single anyone out for moving like Jerry's kids on Special K. After starting with some basic steps, you switch partners, that forces you to learn how others move and fine tune your own rhythm. Then just when you think you got something sorta figured out, you switch again, like musical chairs, but with people. The instructors also remind you when you address a new partner, you don't shake their hand, you hug them and go right into the arms connected dance position (which is a nice segue) The space itself is large, kitschy and nestled in an industrial part of town underneath two elevated highways, and parking's a snap, in other words perfect. The crowd was a mix of all shapes, sizes, skill levels, but the primary reason everyone was there was to move. There's definitely a lot of physical contact going on, but that's the whole point of it, right?? so ladies, you will be asked to dance and you may be touched a bit inappropropriately, all in the name of salsa of course. We'll be back, maybe after youtubing some how to videos first and picking up a pair or white cockroach killers Who knows, maybe one day you could be like this THE MASK - Coco Bongo Scene
by J. D. on
A reminder to not walk by yourself alone in this area drunk on a weekend night. A friend of mine left Temple and was jumped, robbed, beat up and is now in a coma at SF General and awaiting brain surgery. Please walk with people or take a cab!!! ------------------------------------------- UPDATE 2/1/08 - my friend is out of the hospital after three surgeries to remove swelling on his brain. He will be out of work for another three weeks but he is lucid. Apparently this happened right across the street from Temple as he was going to his car in full view of whoever was around (the club was still open)! There must have been witnesses. The owner Sammy is justifiably concerned and I am putting my friend in touch with him if he is not already.