Boswell Tavern
344 East Kennedy Boulevard
Maitland, FL 32751
Orange County
Phone: (407) 644-8555
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Hours: unknown
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by Michael T. on
"Meh" is a perfect word for Busby's. Happy hour here is totally worth it. They have a pretty good beer selection, half-off appetizers, and there's plenty of things to do. I actually recommend coming here on weekdays than weekends. I'm just not feeling the vibe here on Friday/Saturday nights. It's crowded, people aren't friendly, and there's cover after 10pm. It's cool for happy hour after work or to catch a game, but if you wanna party it up, i'd look elsewhere.
by Syonora A. on
If i could give it no stars I would! Note to Suite 181:  Don't have a guest list if you're not going to honor it!  You straight up DEFRAUDED everybody (or mostly everybody) on the Guest List last night! A girlfriend of mine who's a fan of the Quest Crew talked me into going to Suite 181 (after not being there for many years..and a place which is so not my type of place anyways) to check out the dance group. With the Guest List closing at 10:30 p.m. we decided to go early and  we're thinking it paid off, as at 9:41 p.m. we're in line and decently close to the door.  So we wait....................10:00 p.m. comes by, no movement.......and then 10:15 p.m. comes by, no movement....and then somebody from the club comes down the GUEST LIST line and asks to see if anybody wants bottle service.  Umm..hello, this is the GUEST LIST line, if anybody wanted bottle service, um they would not be in this line..geez! ...Anyways 10:22 p.m. comes by no movement and then fINallY at 10:30 p.m. we start shuuuufffling towards the door.  So while we're shuffling, I'm thinking, okay maybe they were taking care of stuff inside and got started a little bit late no problem, or so I thought, until, we get to the top. There, i asked the ticket chick, "um are you guys still honoring the guest list?" and the ticket chick responded that "its already past 10:30 p.m." and i'm like, "um, ya the line just started moving and i've been in line since 9:41 p.m."  ticket chick responds, "can't you tell there's a lot of people already in there" while she points to the small group by the bar.  I'm like WTF and I'm thinking to myself, you know what I can make a scene while the crowd of people wait behind me, or I can go ahead and gulp it up and Rateclub it later and hope that my $20 goes to Quest Crew. Of course, being the civil person that i am, and knowing that my girlfriend was dying to see the Quest Crew, I took the punch and took the latter. YOU WOULD THINK, for being such a suck a$$ place already they would try to do something right on a night like this when the crowd that usually doesn't come out would come, but this just once again goes to show and confirms that they do really SUCK BIG TIME!
by Chas Bozovich on
Here's a tip, bring 4 hot women with you and the bouncers aren't that mean to you. Boulevard3 is kind of a small club, but it has a nice open fountain of water that is the center piece of their courtyard. The courtyard is a very smooth atmosphere where you can smoke, drink, talk, and just relax. Further back, they have a gas fire place that sits above the water to help illuminate the surrounding area with awesome mood lighting. Walking into the club, it feels as if you're going through a small posh hotel lounge--I'm not really sure what this place is by day, but it looks pretty awesome at night. Further in, you walk down steps to enter the main dance hall which sports a bar. To the right is the "stage" where go-go dancers dance, and people who dare to dance on a raised stage get busy with their bad self. When it gets packed, and the liquor is flowing, you find a lot of people dancing and having a great time. One particular night they had dance/hip-hop crew which was pretty awesome. It felt so underground for Hollywood that it was pretty cool. There was a change in DJs for this as well, and the transition was pretty smooth--I hardly noticed. The feeling here is pretty great. Voss water only, so you get the most awesome in artisan waters--if you're into that :) I recommend going here before they become one of those super hip LA clubs everyone goes to and it gets so ridiculous, you wonder why the hell you're in LA. Oh, there's also a chick that sells hot dogs outside, which made my night that much better!
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