by Scott E. on
I really want to love this place, but their online reservation system is broken and they have not returned messages left on their reservations line. Perhaps it was something I said?
by Debi Kisamore on
not the biggest place but i've had fun everytime i've come here...def roll with a fun crowd if you wanna enjoy yourself here though! all the bartenders are ridicuously nice and they'll hook u up with free drinks! ; )
by Frankie D. on
A club is only as good as the promoter who's running the night, and on all the club nights that I've ever gone to, the cover was fine, the staff was friendly and the clientele crowd. Guess what? If you think the cover is too high; if you think the clientele sucks; if you think the bouncers are assholes; if you think the music or the DJs suck, the DNA is not to blame! Blame the promoter that set up the night; they book the DJs, they hire their own bouncers, they set the cover and they certainly attract the right (or wrong) kind of people. The DNA is a space. Period. If you have a problem with the bartenders, the bathrooms, the staff; fine. But don't blame the DNA because your "scene" is run by greedy jerks who can't throw a good party.