by Jaime Mcbrown on i really only want to knock a half point for not having a ladies' night, but rateclubs gives me no such option. this place is great. and by great, i mean it's a queer friendly dive bar with affordable drinks in an easy to access location with bar tenders who know how to bar tend. apparently, even in manhattan, that's asking for a lot.
by Charles H. on I'm going to have to add a big yawn here and own up to the fact that I'm a jaded New Yorker. A giant buddha - seen it before. Asian fusion menu: restaurants with this style menu open once a month now and you can get much better Asian food elsewhere. Asian inspired design: yeah - so what. It's a formula. Large open space: always nice but again, not special. Cool flash website: not all that and they brag about the celebrities who go there. They opened in 2000: okay, maybe they were cool for a moment back in the day but it's 2007 now and the blossom has faded. I went for an early dinner with a friend visiting from Taiwan because she heard it was a good place to go. I think she read about it in a guide book or magazines. Clearly, they know how to do mass marketing. I guess if I lived in a smaller town it would be impressive but that's not the case. I'm just a jaded New Yorker - with a smile:-)
by Marguerite W. on A total kiddie dive, but fun for what it may even leave with a Harvard co-ed! I was curious when I forced to check my coat in order to abide by the "no hood rule", but otherwise a good time! I mean, when in Rome, or Hong Kong, scorpion bowls are fun!