Bourbon St Social Club
1303 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27605
Wake County
Phone: (919) 832-3822
Fax: (919) 821-0658
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Franklyn Wickemeyer on
Maybe it's because I don't know how to dance to house music. Or maybe it's just because the pre-Lovefest party was over-hyped. Why do they have to play the music so loud?  My heart was aching by the end from the bass.  It's like they're trying to compensate for the expensive drinks and the lame atmosphere with their loud music. My friends and I ended up going to The Cellar, a club nearby.
by Jenn L. on
I heart this venue!  It was the perfect venue to watch James Morrison perform.  It's a small venue so it doesn't really matter where you sit, you'll feel like you're close to the stage.  It was perfect...sat down..ordered a chardonnay...and listened to James' beautiful, melt in your heart voice.
by Jessica M. on
20 entrance fee (why we went in in the first place i'll never know), unbelieveably loud bass with a dj who has a ten second attention span and mixes 80s with hip hop. we tried to entertain ourselves with the illuminated bar at the end, and we even tried dancing a bit. but it just got weird after awhile. at that point, all we kept thinking was "damn, that's 20 beans i'll never see again." :(
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