Branding Iron
5442 South 12th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85706
Pima County
Phone: (520) 806-0152
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by Dana B. on
Great place!  Came here for a friend's graduation shindig and discovered four things I will definitely be back to partake of again--1) Fruli Strawberry Beer (AMAZING--it doesn't even taste like beer and it is perfect for those like me who aren't into such strong drinks); 2) the awesome sweet potato fries; 3) their self-proclaimed greatest veggie burger in the known world (and they are right about that one!), and 4) Quizzo.  Just make sure if you come for Quizzo that you brush up on your random trivia beforehand!
by Sarah E. on
The Clermont is NASTY, but it's an Atlanta institution. You have to go there at least once. My college friends and I always referred to it as "the place where old strippers go to die". In a city known for its insane number of strip clubs, the old dancers have to go SOMEWHERE. If you want conventionally attractive dancers, go to the Pink Pony. If you want dancers that are even remotely fit or young and have the ability to, well, dance, then go anywhere but here. If you want fun and an authentic "Dirty South" experience, then go here at least once. Of course, the most well-known dancer at the Clermont is Blondie. In case you have never heard of her, she's old, she's large, and she is In Charge. She is known for crushing beer cans with her boobs (with a resounding CRUNCH!), but she will also slap you with her sweater kittens if you do anything to make her unhappy. My friend's boyfriend once got a bloody nose from a Blondie Slap. It's been a long time since I've been to the Clermont any night but Saturday... back in the day that was the only night that most of the more "mainstream" Atlantans would show up there. On Saturdays, expect an astounding mix of people from Emory fratboys and sorority girls to hipsters and everything in between. DJ Romeo Cologne (of Star Bar fame) spins funk and it's a lot of fun. It's hot as heck in there no matter what the time of year, and you may have to wait in line for a while to get inside. It's worth it, at least once. But it's nothing like your average bar. Oh, and the mixed drinks can kill you (strong and made with the cheapest liquor in existence), and they only take cash. So don't say I didn't warn you.
by Glen Ogan on
In my humble option, the fried fish products are decent but really nothing to write home about (other than the catfish po'boy, which is very nice).  As the core of this restaurant's menu, it is a bit of a shame.  However, what many do not know is that hidden away in the corner of the menu is, in my opinion, one of the best items of its kind in the area.  Care to guess? It is the burger.  That's right, the ground beef afterthought is indeed the best food item on this menu.  Truly, the burger here is one of the best you will find anywhere.  Add the above average beer selection, not too bad service and the cool rooftop patio and four stars is deserved.
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