3120 Gasparilla Pines Blv
Englewood, FL 34224
Charlotte County
Phone: (941) 697-6044
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by Oren R. on Came here on a Friday night and was surprised to see they charge a cover of $10, especially since it was kind of empty inside. The setup is nice for dancing, but the music... I guess it's a personal preference, but I found only a few songs dancable. The drinks were rough and seem like they were made by amatures.
by Miriam W. on YES, THEY ARE RACIST. If you're white, you'll have TONS of fun. These guys can suck my nubbin. I didn't get to see what is, based on the photos, a pathetic inside, due to REVERSE RACISM FROM TWO BLACK BOUNCERS ON FRICKEN OBAMA'S G*DD*MN INAUGURATION DAY. How can two black men turn around and be racist toward an Asian chick ON THE DAY THE FIRST BLACK MAN TO EVER BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE FRIGGIN USA TAKES HIS OFFICE TO ENACT CHANGE? I don't know, but they did, and I kept my mouth shut because I realized, deep down, how truly pathic, stupid, close-minded, arrogant, selfish, and downright ignorant the men at the door were, and knew that someday soon they'd be falling down some stairs and breaking their legs, or contracting syphilis and watching their d*cks fall off, or otherwise experiencing a profound and eviscerating karma that will mar their psyches for the rest of their lives. and they may never read this review, but i hope to god they do, because then they'll KNOW that their mothers OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF THEM. So this is what happened. It's fricken 1/20. Obama is officially in office. Me - a black girl (actually half asian, half black) - and my friend - a Chinese girl born and raised in NYC, are out scouring the town trying to fricken celebrate. We're told by the doorman at STK next door that TenJune will be good but opens at 11:15. So we go wandering and obtain drinks elsewhere. We return to the STK doorman who says, talk to the doormen. THERE IS NO ONE trying to get into the club. It is deserted. It is freezing, it's the arctic butthole of winter, and we're not butt ugly, and we're not haggard or broke down, and we approach. There's a giant teddy bear with a fur-trim hood on his jacket and glasses and a beard. Black. Cute in a teddy bear way. He's accompanied by another black bouncer. Guess what. My girl LOVES BLACK MEN. LOVES THEM. As in, turns into putty and gets excited and happy and flirty and impressed when she encounters a big impressive one. So, as we walk up, girlfriend is THRILLED. We're both in a good mood, hoping to have a good time. We crow, "Happy Obama Day!" They stare at us blankly. They look as if they think we're sucking up to them or something. My friend goes, "Are you guys celebrating? Did you vote for Obama?" We're grinning. The men start fronting. They don't even crack a smile. I go, "Why are you so serious?!" I'm teasing. I smile. The guy just stares back. And then my friend goes, "Did you see the inauguration?!" The big teddy bear with glasses goes, "Yeah." My friend goes, "Did you see Aretha Franklin singing?! Wasn't she awesome?" Teddy Bear goes: "Aretha Franklin didn't sing at the inauguration." At this point, he has a look on his face and a serious attitude like he thinks she thinks he thinks he's stupid, and she's lying, and committing a grave offense - an Asian woman lying about the inauguration to get in good with black bouncers to get into a club. We stare back at him. My friend is suddenly confused and lost. The man is sending out waves of negativity and we are perplexed. She falters. "But ... she sang ... did ... did you watch the inauguration?" The guy backs up. He seems even MORE offended. Like we've questioned their blackness or intelligence, how DARE we. Him and his fellow goes, "Yeah, of course we watched it. Aretha wasn't in it." Awkward silence. Because, SHE WAS IN IT: http://www.mtv.com/new... I go, "How do we get in." He goes, "Talk to that guy." He gestures with his head at this white dude in a bright blue jacket. He's hella far away. I go, "How can I talk to him?" Teddy Bear shrugs and clearly wants to make our night difficult. Goes, in a totally patronizing voice. "You say, 'Excuse me, sir, can I talk to you.'" At this point I'm wishing syphilis on him. Finally Blue Jacket turns around, but as he's walking toward us - get this, TEDDY BEAR AND FRIEND PULLS HIM ASIDE, WHISPERS CRAP IN HIS EAR, and the guy turns around, looks at us, and goes, "Table reservations or guestlist only," turns back around, and walks away. He didn't even come over to us. He then sees some white women and dudes and quickly ushers them through. THAT is what we got from Tenjune on fricken OBAMA DAY. My friend and I were absolutely dumbfounded. Decided it wasn't worth it and although we could AFFORD bottle service and each of us alone makes more than their combined yearly incomes in 6 months, Tenjune was no longer worthy of our glorious presence. And we went over to Marquis and had a fricken blast. But these jerks at Tenjune truly hurt my girl, and that's what pissed me off most of all. Power and ignorance was all they had to keep themselves and their small pen*ses warm and amused that night, and they used it cruelly for no fricken reason. And for that, you sonsowitches, you get this scathing review. You disgust me.
by Milton Metzinger on I never heard of a club filling up before 9pm till I came to this club. It gets rammed early and you better come earlier than early if you made table reservations cause the $30 cover charge to hang around the bar ain't worth it if your intention is to meet LA's singles. I guess I just went on a bad day. The interior of the club is amazing. The lighting and sound is second to none. The price is sweet. $200 for a bottle and anju. Thats an amazing deal and I have a feeling they're cleaning house in the booking business Besides that, I was sorta disappointed with the amount of actual good looking people that LA had to offer. I'm not sure what it is people eat in the states but a good portion of the people here need to go on a diet. The only athletically fit people were the people behind the bar and the girls that get boob jobs. It sorta makes me ashamed to be Korean when I see this.
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