Brass Monkey Lounge
K K Mart Plaza
Marathon, FL 33050
Monroe County
Phone: (305) 743-4028
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Matt N. on
222 is rad.  They always have bangin music, and if you get here after midnight you can usually fenagle your way out of paying a cover.  I never had the pizza, but I love the graffiti all over the place.
by Julee Carlin on
Shake your boootay, shake shake shake your booooo ooo oooo tay!!! That's what we do whenever we've come here. Tuesday nights are the BEST!!! D.J Romeo Cologne knows how to spin those oldies and when I say oldies I mean Jackson Five and so forth..."I can feel it, I can feel it" It doesn't matter who you are, young, old, prep or will be here and you will be dancing. The music is great, the crowd smells of variety and fun, and the drinks are cheap. No seriously, they have a drink called "The Cheap Shit". lol $2 draft. :oD $7 cover on Tuesdays and if you check out their website they have live bands listed on other nights as well. I love this place! I'm never disappointed and I can always count on them if I skipped a run that day because you'll get plenty of excercise movin' your legs, shaking your hips, and poppin your a**.... I mean bootay. lol
by Flip C. on
File this one under Generic Gay Bar. Usually attracts a younger crowd of generic gay boys. I'll go because I live across the street from it. However, the last time I was there, I got too drunk and FELL. Oh my gosh. Falling in a bar is the worst thing you can do...
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