Brass Rail The
3534 Adrian Ave
Largo, FL 33774
Pinellas County
Phone: (727) 581-0504
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Hours: unknown
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by mila l. on
a very nice space. But kind of big for a lounge spot, since its a resturant durring the day. lots of gorgeous decor.  I have only been there are night for the lounge area. the drinks are yummy, and made nicely, although if standing at the bar, you better keep an eye on it because if left for more than 3 minutes, the bartender will take it away! the music was good dance music. lots of drums, good for booty shaking. and not as confusing to dance to as techno! lol the people are pretty nice and friendly. but the doorman can be pretty rough. although they let us in, no problem and no carding, because our friends knew the man well, there was a group of girls as we were exiting, where the doorman wouldnt let one of their girls in because she was "intoxicated" that seems a little strange, because people go there to get intoxicated, and im sure they hold on to their wallets looser after a few drinks. good for a nice relaxed night, or a pit stop. because its in the meatpacking area its convinient to hop to other places.
by Diana L. on
Kat's Cafe reminds me of a place you see in the movies... it's a "hidden little Atlanta gem" and I absolutely loved my experience.  For those who truly enjoy the art of "raw" performances and intimate spaces then this place should be added to your list of serious MUST DOS. I only got a glass of wine and that was around $8.00.  So prices are reasonable.  And Kat says that she rarely charges an entry fee, 90% of the time admission is free. Support this husband and wife team!!!!  They actually get the concept for small spaces that have quality atmosphere and entertainment.  Love it!
by Justin Becherer on
Great views, blocked by horrible interior architecture. Mirrors everywhere, but no real clear views more than the immediate window you are at. They played crappy top-40 music until the funk band started at 10pm, but by then we finished our pricey-but-delicious drinks and were done. Too bad, as this place COULD have so much more class... but it ends up coming off like a bad Vegas bar with snooty service.
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