by Yera H. on I LOVE BOBS!! Whenever I don't feel like going to a huge club but feel like dancing, this is the place I head to. Sometimes it's kinda empty, and sometimes it's crowded to the fullest, either way I always have fun. The only reason why I don't give it five stars is because it has a cover- I just do NOT like paying cover at a bar- even if it's just five dollars. Other than that, bOb's has great music- mostly hip hop, throwback, and top 40. It's really cute how whenever Biggie comes on, everybody starts to rap along, hahaha. I was just there last Friday and I found it amusing how in the beginning of the night, everybody was just dancing and wilding out alone, and by 4AM the people left on the floor were all paired up in one way or another. Hilarious. The bartenders are nice and timely, and I love how they don't give you hard time if you ask for water- some places (ahem, CONTINENTAL), "only" serve bottled water, which I think is bs. So definitely check out bObs if you're down for a fun night!
by Jenn T. on Came here to see a special viewing of a 007 classic: Goldfinger. Loved it. When people talk about revitalizing downtown LA, keeping theaters like the Orpheum as pristine as possible is pivotal. It's a great experience to sit in the balcony and get a 360 view of the gilded walls and plush velvet curtains. I felt like I was somewhere else in some other jet setting roaring 20's time period.
by Leo Hallauer on Yum is all I have to say, the meal was excellent. I had the Redfish and it was perfectly spiced with the right amount of flakyness'. I took my family there for a celebratory dinner and everyone was throughly impressed with my pick. The decor was also really cool and my sister said it felt like NOLA, she lived there for 5 years and we frequently went down. The food had a feel like New Orleans but not over the top with a good fusion of southern and creole. The coffee was divine as well and they have a huge selection for purchase. I will defineitely be going back now that I have found a great spot.