by Latoria Rannells on I knew before hand (from past experience) that this place is full of pretension crowd. Guys in $300 suits and girls in $100 dresses who can barely afford the cover fee and a few drinks. Friend invited me over to hang out with him, I came with two friends. Both are professionals. Told the unprofessional door man that we are on a guest list and he said '100$ BAR tab minimum'. I know we are guys but two things, we were on a guest list and 100$ BAR TAB minimum is hilarious. That's just bad business. We laughed at him and took a cab else where, where we spend $400+. Basically, if you are girl they will let you in and you will be hit on by ghetto, cheap pretension guys (70/30% unemployed) who get in for free thought several cheesy promoters. Enjoy!
by Delois Shoto on This is an over priced sudo pub that used to be a sports bar and should be closed. The service always sucks - day or night . I've been dragged there several occasions by friends who "wanted to check it out" each time was worse than the time before. I guess having staff that is almost nude is better than having staff that actually will bring you your order. Some one told me it was supposed to be an Irish Pub... it's not even close.
by Brandon D. on So, we went here at the recommendation of a friend. Minutes before I left, another good friend said, "Yeah, I decided not to go. rateclub didn't like it." Quickly, I ran through the reviews. "Yeah, but it's all people there for some elite rateclub-ers party. I bet they're all spoiled foodies and it was huge and strained the staff." Note to self: Never distrust rateclub again. Here's the deal with the supper club, as far as I can tell: Imagine a sort of really weak David Lynch movie. Imagine third or fourth string cirque du soleil people. Now, imagine if these two things mated, and had a supper club. A fairly slow supper club, full of snotty servers. Supper club works like this: There's a scheduled time for you to be there. If you're not there by then, it's unlikely you'll be seated. You're all left to chill in this circular room with an extravagant bar. The beautiful people are out in force. After some seemingly interminable period waiting and having extravagant drinks served to you at a slow pace, you're lead to your 'table', which is a bed-type affair with a high back, punctuated with little metal tables. The beds are comfortable, but space can be tight -- and expect to be hassled by the help about how much space you're taking up. On the one hand, it's fun to be cozy with friends, it's another thing to be uncomfortably mooshed together over inadequate table space. Over the course of the evening, servers will approach you, asking for drinks. When this happens, either order a bottle, or ALWAYS ASK FOR TWO. That's because your drinks arrive approximately thirty minutes after your order. This do not appear to be the result of a lack of staff -- the night I was there, it was not unusually busy, but rather because of the general attitude of the place. Meals are served by the course, but the time between courses approaches an hour. Coping strategies here are to bring energy bars with you or to eat a healthy lunch. In between courses, you will be treated to entertainment -- first in the form of DJ music (which is pretty good, if a little loud at times), and then a series of 'performance art'. While I was there, I got treated to several: - Some elaborate costume involving a bird - A woman climbing down a sheet from the ceiling - A male gymnast standing on his hands - The shocking (not) reveal of a trannie host(ess) disrobing. There was also some dancing for the audience, but this was relatively contained and not super interesting to me (not much of a dance floor kind of guy). The food was 'OK', with the execption of the main entree, which featured some rare, buttery Kobe beef -- quite delicious. The rest was strictly so-so. The thing that irritated me most about this place was its pretentiousness. It reeked of a kind of wannabe avant garde, but nothing here was shocking -- one of the courses was out of a silver dog bowl, ooh, a trannie, ooh, bare-chested male servers. It came across as a cheap knockoff of some more trendy place that I'm actually not cool enough to be invited to. So, in summary: - Prepare to stay late (I spent nearly five hours there for dinner) - Drink early and often - For optimum enjoyment, bring a sweet young thing and make out with him or her on the bed, like the couple to the right of me seemed to be doing for most of the evening.