Brellas Cafe
130 Shipyard Drive
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Beaufort County
Phone: (843) 842-2400
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Gloria A. on
This past saturday we all went for one of our friend's birthday! I read all of the reviews before heading out and so I was aware of the line and cover charge. We turn the corner on to Mission street and my boyfriend goes "oooh shit is that the line?"...ahh man had to remind myself *it's not about you, it's not about you* So we walk up to the line and wait...and wait...We saw two of our friends and we wait..and wait... 35min go by and were the in the first 4 ready to head in. I.D check $10 cover check! we walk in the small little hallway before we actually get in there and BAM you hear, from all 4 of us "hoooo(ly) shiiit"   "There's HELLA people" We all grabbed eachother's hand forming a link so we wouldn't lose anyone.. we continue walking to bar and had to scooch sideways because there was so many people there. We get to the bar and order a couple of drinks. I had an AMF ($10) it was pretty damn good. My bartender made my drink on the other side of the bar, so i'm watching her make it and after she puts the Blue in she turns away and walks to another bartender and starts talking to her, about what? I don't know and really don't care, she left my drink alone. hmm anway. We decided we'd walk to the dance floor so again we link hands and scooched to the dance floor where there were even more people..we all were touching shoulders with people there, we stayed no more than 5 min and by this time I was soo irritated I wanted to leave. *It's not about you* lol We saw some more people we knew and headed up to the PussyCat Lounge struggling to walk up the stairs and trying to foget that strong stench of urine we made it upstairs to the lounge and it was pretty dim, I look over and there are poles, aahhh that;s why! We walk over to the bar and start talking and everyone was drinking and taking shots and hanging out.. So over all, it was just too damn crowded.. I'd like to try out Bruno's one more time, minus the line and not on a saturday night. See if i can hit those 2 extra stars!
by Geraldine K. on
I recently swung by Ella on a Saturday night for a birthday party, and I was pretty surprised to find the crowd to be a non-LES bunch. The place was rocking with frat boys and sorority girls who looked like they could be from anywhere but the tri-state area.  Reading others' reviews, I realize that the lower area is for the typical LES crowd, not the main floor.  I was on the main floor towards the front corner of the bar. The bathroom line was unbearably long.  I didn't feel like drinking, but no major loss: I could tell that drinks' prices were ridiculous.  The music is loud enough to lose hearing, so it's super hard to have some sort of conversation. Really,  I hate those non-club places where music is blasted for no reason, except to blast it.  Ella falls into this category. Not my type of place, not my type of crowd, not my type of music. Just not returning a second time if I could help it.
by Suzanna Degregorio on
I don't know what happened to Icon but this place used to be sooo packed. Maybe we went on the wrong night, wrong party, but it was very empty. So slow that they closed off the back room. We pretty much stayed for 2 cocktails then left. The hip hop music didn't even persuade us to stay. Well, at least it was easy for us to order drinks.
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