Brenda's Paris Lounge
4330 North Newstead Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63115
Saint Louis City County
Phone: (314) 381-4144
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Hours: unknown
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by A. H. on
Great space, tho usually too loud for me. Clean, warm, cozy, and great shows. But, dinner is what you really want here. Himachi collar, unfiltered sake, and tofu salad! Unsurpassed artist line up's. Sophisticated and fun, tho not usually catering to the, ahem, young and chic.
by lena n. on
For the dinner, it was really good, but just the price was a killer. The calamari was good but it was something that tastes like everywhere else, however the sauce on top of it was good, but they didn't give much of it. My second course was the chicken breasts on top of risotto, and this  was very very different. The chicken is not the regular chicken that were all used to aka hood chicken at the chinese take out (LOL jk), but it was VERY tender and soft and at the same time very delicious because it just taste different. Then my dessert was my fave creme brulee topped with strawberries, how perfect! So i got a 3 course meal with a cup of wine and a dessert coffee drink, all together was 90 bucks for 1 person - the most i have ever spent. lol! The waiter service was kind of slow or mostly mia, I couldn't find our waiter until 10 minutes later for a cup of water. lol Me and my friends went upstairs for the party section, and it was just OKAy, it kind of reminded me of like going to solo or something. There wasn't much room for anything really. Their outdoor bar table was just 1 guy telling everybody to line up so he can serve. The dancefloor set up was kind of weird, but it was very very dark too. There wasn't much lighting at all because it was like a tent covering the whole area. However, i did like the view and the fact that you can go up to the balcony deck area and chill by yourself. That seemed nice and relaxing. The way that they set it up is weird, half reggae and hiphop and the other half is tencho. overall it's an okay place. the decor of the restaurant seems outdated. The chairs were kind of uncomfortable and the rugs were really old looking (but that's just me)  and it felt so wobbly walking around the boat - as if the whole floor was really lopsided. Scary to walk in with heels, especially for the party area where I almost tripped a couple of times. The thing I hate the most is that we have to pay for parking just to go here and that's another 12 bucks out of your wallet.
by Brad Angelucci on
Bruno's is a cavernous dark bar in the Mission where you go to for a chill night. Negatives: -the music is too eclectic to dance to -the dance floor is narrow and musty -$10 cover?! Postiives: -chill -nice decor
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