10150 Highland Road
White Lake, MI 48386
Oakland County
Phone: (248) 698-1015
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Liz C. on
Asian-style appetizers, coq au vin, nautical accent pieces, butcher-paper tablecloth and crayons - somehow, it all works. The pre-war tavern Ear Inn is one-part TGIFriday's, one part downtown dive, and chill as hell. The portions are gigantic ($7 scored me probably 30 garlicky mussels), and the food itself is comforting, unextraordinary, and priced to please at $4 - $13. The beer (it's the kind of place where ordering a cocktail would be frowned upon) menu is smart and understated. Best of all, set on a fairly deserted stretch of SoHo, Ear Inn feels like a familiar, private hideout. It's not - the building has been designated a historic landmark, and has a couple hundred years' worth of apocryphal trivia, but on a frigid weekday night, it felt like somebody's waking dream of a faraway, storied home.
by Valerie D. on
I haven't been to a club for 3 yrs.. so my review may be biased. I came with 6 other girls and we got a table with all that free jazz, then got upgraded to a booth, then a karaoke room. FREE. Booking:The whole booking idea was a bit insane considering I'm white, every 5 mins I was pulled. most of the guys were nice but there were a few arrogant korean men who acted like their crap smells like roses. Dance floor: a big LOL, people finally start dancing around 12 AKA when theyre drunk. groping didn't happen much which boosted up this rating If your a single gal and love attention, this is the place to go. If your anybody else, consider it a learning experience :)
by Louisa Basil on
The neighborhood is sketchy. The music is okay upstairs. The music is A LOT better downstairs, but hella ghetto. The VIP area upstairs looks nice and you can get your own little space to dance in. This place is always way too packed with sweaty people rubbing up all against you and stepping all over your toes. Minus one star b/c some stupid ass bitch grabbed my ass here downstairs. BE CAREFUL!
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