Brick Alley
325 Saint Clair Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Franklin County
Phone: (502) 875-2559
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Natasha M. on
Marina attitudes? Nope, all left at the door. So relax because now you are in a neighborhood bar. The place is just chill, as is the decor and very clean.  There are TV's showing the major activities and even better a jukebox that has a wide enough variety to keep me entertained. The place is spacious and has two pool tables and two dart boards and with a good bartender... what more do you need?
by Bennie Sjostrand on
Club Dragon has become our new haunt on Friday nights!  This club has two levels with a dj on each floor dance floor.  The music is fantastic and the crowd is awesome.  There's a little "patio area" with an island theme off to the side of the ground floor for the smokers.  Definitely a keeper.
by Bella P. on
I have been here a few times about 2 years ago. Both times to the lower section which is the club. Music off the hook, decor takes you to the Dominican Republic (palm trees, sombreros, tamboras) The seats are ook and the atmosphere is pretty good!! Would love to go back and try the restaurant!!
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