Brickhouse Connie's
1213 South 56th Street
Tacoma, WA 98408
Pierce County
Phone: (253) 475-2215
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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Restaurant and lounge located in Tacoma, Washington.
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by Simonne Loveh on
Bouncer:  Unless you're on the list, I can't let you ladies in, private party tonight. Me:  There's only 5 of us, we won't take up much room. Bouncer:  No you won't, but it's a private party.  Sorry. Me:  Okay. ...girls and i walking away...thinking in my head, this guy is so lame, just doesn't want to let us in, there's no private party, those other Rateclubers were right about this place.  ugh! Bouncer:  Hey! heeeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!  Come back.  You know what, I don't want you to have to walk around looking for another place.  Just come on in. Me and girls walking back:  Oh really...ok, thanks! INSIDE:  It was a private party!  AWKWARD!!  Everybody knew everybody.  Felt like we were crashing a company party or a wedding reception....hehe.  Oh wells, it was cool inside and there was a ton of room to dance, set our purses down, and drink.  DJ was decent, but got kinda odd towards the end.  All in all, good times!
by Satyan P. on
I had been to Medjool's several times before and thought it was an OK place, but the stars must have been misaligned last weekend because when I went there, I realized how subpar this place actually is.  I think the only thing it has going for it is the (cash only) rooftop bar...Next time I go, maybe I'll bring my parka and spend more time up there We actually intended on going to Lazlo's next door for a birthday party, but after hearing that it was about to exceed its maximum capacity of like 15 people, we headed to Medjool's. The $10 cover kind of irritated me, as does paying for most things.  The drinks were not particularly strong but 6 well-drinks, three shots, and a couple of "adios m*********ers" later, we were ready to roll. The bartenders that night were douchebags and didn't seem to realize that they make their living off of drunk morons like me; so it's probably not a good idea to call us "stingy Indians" for asking for cheap shots, especially when we basically cleared out our wallets after 10 minutes of being in that place.  I didn't drop a tip after that, but did drop a few F-bombs Bonus points for also being a hostel...I haven't used those facilities but its comforting to know you don't have to drag your blitzed self/friends home after a solid night of fun... Also, there must have been free hugs in the bathroom because that seemed like the most popular spot of the night...the line was unbearable.   As I was getting ready to release the demons within, some drunk chick cut in front of me and stormed into the men's bathroom with her hand over her mouth...classy I also wondered how many times they've had to oxy-clean their furniture because I swear every time I go there seems to be "an incident" all over their plush couches.  Makes me think twice about sitting down anywhere in that place... The highlight of the night began with a text I received at 1am from my friend who came with me.  Not being particularly literate when I received it, I deciphered the "I'm outside" part and made my way towards the exit.  As I left, I spot my buddy sitting on the curb, disheveled as ever and thoroughly pissed.  He explains to me that he was dancing with some girl on the floor, and, after getting scolded by what he swears was a leprechaun, three bouncers were dragging him out of the club. The lesson?  Don't dance with the owner's wife.
by megan w. on
Like the Cirque du Soleil of bars. But, like, the Cirque du Soleil productions they do in Vegas with all the sex and people dressed like animals. Not the productions that tour in respectable cities where the the stunts are all Canadian women on trapeze singing opera. This analogy may be too far off the mark to be resuscitated. Then again, so might Supperclub. Also, what the shit is going on with the bathrooms in here? The one marked "Men" is like a social club with 50 stalls and marble sinks and everyone laughing and playing, and the bathroom across from it is a one-room UNISEX dungeon with fucking handcuffs on the walls. So if some idiot fastens himself to the wall, all the women in the place have to hold it? But actually, it's nearly impossible to get a drink, so you may not have to pee anyway. Let's bank on that.
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