by M S. on How much fun is it on Thursdays!?! I mean really....Yeah, OK, you'll hear 4 or 5 different Madonna songs....but what are you gonna do, the chicks love that stuff. If you live in the area, I suggest heading over there early when it's free, get stamped, go back home, get smashed, THEN head back over..."Like a Prayer" won't seem that bad, believe me. I heard that they've renovated the men's restroom since I last been there. That restroom ranked among one of the worse in the city. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't up to code. First, there use to be a moat that us dudes use to carry the news to, sick. It fit 2 comfortable, but sometimes there was that third who needed to go REALLY bad, which forced you to focus on not crossing streams. There was also 1 toilet with a dutch-door type cover. Guys were always too nice and let girls use this, which I was always against, but I'm sure their toilet was just as bad. If you see the wheelchair guy on the dance floor, say 'hi", he's a riot. DO: Get there a little earlier to beat the rush Check out the second room, the tunes are better There's a coat check, use it Prepare to sweat if you dance in the first room, hence the big fans DON'T: Sit at the seats adjacent to the ATM, it's reserved for Hell's Angels Let anyone talk you into going to the place next door, it's never worth it
by Mitch A. on I had a great time at the rateclub Elite party here, probably one of the best nights I've had in years :) Overall, I don't like this place on a regular night though. The cover is too much, the lines are terrible, the drinks are too expensive and weak, the people are "Extacy induced" and it's mostly techno music which I'm not into. Eating dinner here was a lot of fun. The food was a little above average. I liked the Tuna appetizer and the salad. The soup gave me gas and the main dish steak was a little to rare and gamey for me. It's more about getting drunk and enjoying the scene. Check out my pics from the evening: Go rateclub!