by Daniel G. on You can always count on silk for a fun night of dancing with sweaty strangers and binge drinking while listening to filthy hip hop or 80s classics. Between this place and the barbary, I usually always prefer silk for dancing. Come try it out, dance your face off, and be mindful not to spill your drink on me. Oh! and the food is really decent too - the entreés are overpriced, so I definitely recommend splitting one between two people - it won't fill you up too much and you'll have some scratch left over for drinks. The garden area in the back just recently opened up - it'll be a popular summer dinner spot I'm sure.
by Exclusive C. on This is my top pick for ATL nightlife. I've been to several clubs since moving here a few years ago and when all else fails, I know I can count on Velvet Fridays. It is the absolute best. My gals and I skip the long lines with incentives for the VIP $20 entry. The bartenders are generous with the liquor and Tayrock from V103 spins the Hip Hop/R&B hits on Fridays, which is the only day I'll go. There isn't much seating (unless you pay for a table), but I can't see myself sitting in such an atmosphere, I literally dance ALL night. Velvet Room is a sure shot for a grand night of fun. Every time a friend or relative comes in from out of town they want me to take them there. Parking is free and the atmosphere is fab here. People from all ages and backgrounds having a great time. I love it!
by Darin Nalepa on LAME... The WORST mashups I've ever heard. Really... And, the slide wasn't even open. WFT??? Why call it slide when I can't even use the slide??? LAME.... They get 4 stars for pretty cool decor, tho. I didn't see a single hot guy there while we were there. Luckily my girl got us on the list because there's no way in hell I woulda left before someone gave me my money back when we left 30 minutes after we got there. I would have had to break a bottle of some expensive vodka and held the bartender ransom until they refunded me my $20. Because breaking a bottle of cheap vodka wouldn't have had the same effect, right?