1811 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
Spokane County
Phone: (509) 326-5000
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by joyce k. on
cocktails were really nice... delicious. pricey. kinda too small in there... not very lively crowd. snooze.
by Storm S. on
Helllllla rules, and i want my pens back. Another club with go-go dancers everywhere. Just a lot bigger, a lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllot bigger, and different levels. Pricey ass drinks, might as well drink some before u head in. Got kinda lost right after we left the club.
by Silas Krueth on
While it's a bar/lounge with loud music at night, it also serves as a place to study [read: to study 1) the mating habits of the chode eye candy outside or 2) the accents of the pretty people inside] or work on your laptop [read: surf internet for election updates, read blogs, update your latest and greatest rateclub reviews] until 2AM. Looks cool. Feels comfy. Seems to attract the attractive. There's a fireplace that you can't sit in front of if you need to stay plugged in. Nice and cozy if you can. Hot tea is $2.50. Kitchen closes at 10PM. Would love to check it out again - either during the day or when I don't have a lot of work to do!
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