Broke Spoke
6358 Kiln Picayune Road
Kiln, MS 39556
Hancock County
Phone: (228) 255-7793
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Nelson Glore on
I have been here during the day crowded with kids for a company outing. So, I was surprised when my boss mentioned about the nightlife they have every Thursday 6-10pm for 21. I decided to surprise my hubby last month and purchased tix online - $12. When we got there, we saw a very good mix of people: young and old, formal and casual. It was great. They had a DJ, food and make shift bars for cocktails around the museum. Lots to see without bumping into a kid. We missed the Planetarium and the Rainforest because we got there at 8PM - we had dinner elsewhere. But we still had a great time. My hubby was truly surprised and vow to go back there again. Although I think our next trip would go be in the daytime with our 3 year old daugther in tow.
by anju g. on
Ive been to Greenhouse twice. Once was a no go. They told us we had to buy bottles to get in (for 2girls and one guy? Really??) and NO ONE was online, so i know the place was super dead. We left and went to Kiss and Fly. Second time was the charm, knew someone who knew someone (eh.) and walked right in. The place was PACKED. Like, cant walk in the door PACKED. The music was disgustingly BAD. And everyone was already wasted. i headed straight for the bathroom. What do you know, theres a line! I digress... It was a nice place, the decor is great, but the downstairs Hip Hop room was DISGUSTINGLY HOT. I met some really nice people, the people there are top notch, but that doesn't make the club great.
by Reed Reynvaan on
I found out that according to the neighborhood covenant ( and it's listing with the city) this is supposed to be a food lounge, not a club or bar or whatever. thumbs down on the 112 routine..." pay 40 get past the line". That is the classic pimp routine. Ladies you are the only reason half of us men put up with this crap. If it's not busy inside why is there a line? And to top it off your voucher is for 10 off food? And then it sucks? IN A WORD...IT SUCKS. PLEASE CLOSE IT DOWN NOW. Put something worthwhile there. Thank God for Stats.
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