Broken Dollar Bar
2301 Lake Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81004
Pueblo County
Phone: (719) 565-1337
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Hours: unknown
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by Crystal S. on
I came here 2 Sundays in a row. The first Sunday, my friend had invited me to come along with his friends, so we had a party of random people who would bring more people and no reservations. I sat for 2 hours in the waiting area, which was crowded (which isn't like most waiting areas. Feels very lounge-y/hang out spot), but had to be somewhere, so ended up leaving before we got seated. I wanted to come back though, so made a reservation for some girls and I the next week. We got there on time and were seated right away. It was less busy than the previous week. We sat for a little while before our server noticed us, but once she did, she apologized profusely and was totally cute and helpful in our ordering, so she made up for it. Bottomless mimosas are amazing. Although, the other girls in my party claimed toward the end of the day to have been drunk for an hour, and hungover for the rest of the day. So, I guess don't come here if you have work in the afternoon. But if you're going to the beach or something after, it's perfect for lounging around. We were a little surprised at how high the bill was when it came at the end, but by then we were so buzzed, we all just threw our money down without questioning it. The key enjoying Lime is preparing-- make reservations, and clear out the rest of your day. This place was made for people who like to enjoy life.
by Wes M. on
I had no idea what to expect from Rasselas--all I knew was that they'd been here a long time and thus gained insta-cred when that goliath Yoshi's moved in down the block. First surprise: There's actually two parts to the joint.  The windowed-&-carpeted front room (very 80's) is the Ethiopian restaurant, though it has a nice bar and a stage for the "lounge band", as it were.  Then there's the brick-wall, hardwood-floor back room where the "real" concerts are--though there's table seating for everyone, and you can still order food (we just stuck to drinks). The band on this occasion was the Fil Lorenz 14-piece "Soul-kestra", proprietors of fair-to-mid(dling)-century jazz.  Think anything from Ray Charles' MSICWM period to the kind of stuff they use to kick people off stage at the Oscars.  But down-n-dirty soul?  Not so much.  As for the "kestra" part, it was just a big brass combo; those of us expecting a masterpiece of orchestration a la Mingus' Black Saint & The Sinner Lady, or Joe Henry's Tiny Voices were rather disappointed. I guess in the back of my mind I was secretly hoping for something like the jazz joint in Altman's Kansas City.  But instead, what with the lights being on too high and the somewhat obsequious bartender, I got a sanitized, slightly dull vibe that I would've expected from...well, Yoshi's.  But hey, a live music venue where you can sit down and listen to classics will always be up for consideration in my book, so a bonus star for that. But damn, they really need to fix that website.
by Clifton Knopinski on
I haven't been that far uptown in a while and was thinking, ughhh it's such a schlep before I went. It was a little bit of a hike but as I always say when I'm on a train ride that's relatively long (like the few times I go to BK or Hoboken), I get so caught up in my conversation with whoever I'm talking to or in my music that it goes by fast. Anyways, went to Smoke to see Joe Locke (, check him out, he's INCREDIBLE) My friend and I sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of wine because otherwise it was a bit pricey for her low paying job and my non existent paying job. It's a dimly lit room with many small tables all connected as well as a bar with stools. The waiter was young and really nice. When he brought our bottle over to us, my friend immediately said "is that a twist off?" he said yes and laughed. The owner said that most Sauvignon Blancs are now twist offs. But that sound is just so fun, even if you have a hard time opening bottles (cough, me). The sound in the room was fantastic because it was so intimate and so cozy. I'm not a jazz fan, not that I don't like it, I just don't spend time with it but wow, Joe is so fantastic and we just had such a good time there. I highly recommend it especially if you're a jazz fan. We had already eaten but the food looked/smelled delicious!
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