Broken Spoke Lounge & Deli
4501 Wolfe Road
Columbus, MS 39705
Lowndes County
Phone: (662) 356-0119
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by stephanie p. on
111 Minna might just be my favorite gallery with my favorite dance night (1994) and my favorite pop-up restaurant (EAT) with one of my favorite events (Sketch Tuesdays) in San Francisco. 5 stars? Ummmyeah.
by Sebrina B. on
I went to a party upstairs so I can't comment on the atmosphere.  I think Naughty by Nature was downstairs.  The extra star is solely based on the fact that the venue offers you an out if the party you go to is lame.  Otherwise this place was really a three for me because there are an equal amount of positives and negatives. Positives, it is really pretty, stalls are relatively clean, wine selection was decently priced.  Food was "eng" although I heard talk that the wings were delicious.  The negatives include a draft upstairs, only halfway decent customer service, and the parking situation.
by Sherron Holpp on
During my first year in grad school at Penn, I lived in one of the towers across the street from Pod. I used to meet people there occasionally, only actually eating there a handful of times. The food wasn't bad, but it wasn't remarkable, either - especially given the price tag. If you're the type to want to hang out there, you won't care what anyone writes about it - forgive my heavy-handedness, but it was usually packed with the douchey-est subset of Penn undergrads you could imagine, probably fresh out of the Urban Outfitters around the corner and sporting their parents' Amex. I am getting chills just picturing it. I gave it an extra star just for having bathrooms I'd imagine having sex in. I mean, if I were the type. Just sayin'.
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