Brown Bar
201 West 8th
Austin, TX 78701
Travis County
Phone: (512) 480-8330
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Donetta Clemans on
I could live in this grocery store. It's none like any other whole foods I've been to. Saw things I normally don't see, employees seemed happy with their job. I would be too if I was around all the good food and "healthy" energy. They have everything: exotic flowers, walk-in beer room, breakfast items, international foods, several food stations where you can dine at. I went with my family and we went here two days in a row! My mama had her own adventure in the store and I couldn't find her for the longest time. Ha. On a (-) note, it's pricey here. If I was baller, I'd go here often. For now, Food town and walmarts it is. Sigh...
by Annie G. on
If I was a guy, I would set up shop at Nightlife every freakin' Thursday.  This place is a meat market and the girl to guy ratio is a little scary.  The ladies get dressed up and are definitely ready to mingle.  This is where I fuck up.  I come from work looking like a librarian and have to compete with girls that have spent the last three hours getting ready. Getting drunk and looking at crazy fish is a wonderful way to spend the evening.  However, my cheap ass is not about to spend $8 on a crappy mix drink.  I'd recommend getting slightly hammered prior to arriving or bringing your own "traveler" inside.
by Dorthey Meise on
I have lived in the ATL for 11 years and never been to the Clermont.  Now, thanks to my fellow rateclubsers, that wrong has been righted.  Where to start....okay walking down several wooden steps and around the back of the building where you are greeted by what could be described as biker/punk types who check your ID and collect your cover charge was in keeping with my initial expectations.  And when we entered, it was everything I had been told - divey, dingy, and a blast.  We were there in time to capture seats at the bar and well, let's just say the next few hours were enlightening.  (Did I just use the word "enlightening" to describe my experience?) As Angela said, "the economy is poor and we must support our seniors". There was a diverse crowd and as the night went on more and more people piled in.  I would never have thought this was a "go to" place to hang out, drink and dance aside from the "live entertainment". Although I tried to hold out going to the bathroom, too many beers had been pounded and I had to acquiesce.  Yikes, totally did not want to touch anything and it was left to the imagination what follies go on in there.  Ending on that note, I can now proudly declare I have been to the Clermont Lounge.
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