Brownie's Watering Hole
125 East 2nd Street
Papillion, NE 68046
Sarpy County
Phone: (402) 331-9948
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Hours: unknown
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by Alyssa D. on
Not bad sushi. But I love all these Here to Serve restaurants. They have great specials if you have a Friend of Tom card. Great energy upstairs for a Thursday evening.
by Laura B. on
Dancing is a social experience. Dance classes are a social experiment. Note the difference. My parents are exceptional dancers, but apparently that gene missed a generation, and so I found myself signing up for salsa lessons at the Granada. I've heard from numerous people that this is THE place to go to learn salsa, and now I see why. Like a good Mexican restaurant, they're serious about their salsa. The basics: They have 3 different levels of salsa classes, but they also teach other types of dance like fox trot, jive, waltz, etc. They do have some rules though, you have to start in salsa 1 and 'pass' to the next level before they let you sign up for any salsa 2 classes. That's a smart move because they want to make sure you really know the steps before advancing you. The first week of the month is when the first class starts, and by the 4th week, they're ready to test you to see if you're ready to move on to the next level. Now, don't get your panties in a twist if you don't get that green sticker that says you're ready for salsa 2. It takes most people a few sets of classes to be completely comfortable with the steps to advance. They offer unlimited classes and a 6-class punchcard at seriously reasonable prices, even student discounts are offered. I like the flexibility of the punch card because I was able to miss a few and make up a few classes. Classes are offered 3-4 times a week, for an hour and a half just check the schedule. Here's the low-down on the classes: Tuesday night classes are the biggest. There are usually more girls than guys, but the proportion isn't too bad. The instructors are a husband and wife team who are energetic, knowledgable, and entertaining....definitely helps to dissiminate the awkwardness of 60+ people being forced to dance with each other. But beware, if you attend the same classes month after month, the jokes will be repeated and slightly less entertaining. Thursday afternoon classes are the smallest. They reserve the right to cancel a class if less than 10 people show, or shorten the class. In all the times I've been, that hasn't happened. The instructor for this class is Alicia, who is amazing. She's very focused on making sure you understand the movements. The downside to this class is that there's a lot more men than women....OLDER men. Now, I'm not age-ist or anything, but there's this one guy who is just a straight up creeper. He reminds me of Santa's creepy step-brother. However, everyone I've met in all the classes have been very friendly and nice. Is it awkward having to dance with a bunch of strangers in such close proximity? yes. Is it slightly uncomfortable to get up close and personal with someone you've never met to dance a sensual dance like salsa? Hell yes. However, most of the guys are really great, it's super fun, especially when you get the hang of it, you'll want to do it more. Which is great because after the tuesday night class, the Granada opens as a dance club, so stay and dance salsa! They don't care if you're new and don't know what you're doing. Ladies--wear comfortable clothing and shoes with an ankle strap. You'll thank me later. I saw this one girl dancing in these backless wedges...and well, it was pretty damn funny to watch. Oh, and pop a breath mint. Gentleman--wear comfortable shoes and clothing, wear deodorant but don't bathe in it, and pop a breath mint. Let the experiment begin!
by Pete Malicote on
Hey second home.. yeah hi again. Look I restrained from ever reviewing you and your brother next door.. but "why do all good things come to an end"? Who knew Wednesday nights could be so fly... Picture this... A pretty spaced out charming lounge with a projector bumpin' on the side... along with their few standing bodies pushing some groove out. Visual follows: (Letters are missing so I won;t give it away too much and you can be all like Oh Sh-t! Oh Sn-p! Giggle Giggle. DO the hustle.) D-n C-rn-lius at his prime. J-mes Br-wn why can't I move my feet like that? The J-cks-n 5 pure faced angels. T-na Tur-BEEEEEEPPPP and her magical long legs. BEST BEST BEST S-ul Train crowd their itchy sweaters and bellbottoms.. just dancing their illusions of boredom away. You can't help but to move and feel some sort of magic happen to your shoulders. Shimmy+Running man combo. SOUL TOUCH, you are my new favorite... SOUL TOUCH, indeed. Thanks for being there for me every-single-week. Just hanging out patiently with dopeness. THEY are the ones missing out. Go support people! Keep the FUNK AND FLAVOR alive... there aren't enough nights like these.. anywhere. Double dare with green goo you to go look. P.S Don;t worry Hearthrob and Make it New. You still linger hard.
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