Bubby & Sissys
602 Belle Street
Alton, IL 62002
Madison County
Phone: (618) 465-4773
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Dana Attkisson on
Amazing!!  This place is so great.  Everything on the menu sounds so good and you'd wish you could order it all.  It's definitely a unique dining experience because the owner is such a famous chef.  But the hype is definitely worth it.  And don't pass up dessert either!  We were very satisfied with our meal and look forward to going back again!
by Evan B. on
I really enjoy this place, inconspicuous from the outside, really cool bar inside. I particularly enjoy the Grilled Chicken Sandwich, hits the spot every single time. One of my favorite spots to get lunch in Philly.
by Rory Fego on
Loved it!! I came here with a bunch of friends last weekend and had a great time. The place is definitely small (only one floor), and you'll have a fun time weaving through hordes of people as you trek from the bathroom or outside back to your crew. Drinks ain't cheap, but what's new...you shouldn't go out to a club if you don't except to throw more than few dollars at each beer. The smaller bar in the back corner tends to not be as popular, so you may want to hang around there for most of the evening ;). Parking is HORRIBLE. We spent a good 40 minutes looking for parking around 10pm, but that's SF for you...highly recommend heading to the city early, grabbing parking and a bite to eat, then going to Rouge before 11pm for cover-free admission. Oh, and don't forget to CONFIRM your RSVP after Rouge sends you the confirmation e-mail... Other than that, the music was great, and the crowd was happening. We had a great DJ with a good hip-hop selection and had some great mash-ups with 90s pop hits...'twas awesome =). Maybe not for all you houseys or pure top-40s people, but hit the spot with my group. And the go-go dancers are friendly =P. OH, and they let you go in and out freely without having to re-pay cover, unlike a lot of places. That was great, as I had to pop in and out to make phone calls. Check it out! =D
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