Buck Town Tap & Restaurant
120 Main Street
Dow City, IA 51528
Crawford County
Phone: (712) 263-8334
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Wendy M. on
Don't be fooled by this bar...  Go ahead and head in and find a seat... Its a little cramped, but drinks are well worth it.  23oz pours for only $3.25 and the STRONG Island Ice Tea is very good...  Food leaves something to be desired, but duh... Its a DIVE BAR!  If you want food hit some other place first...  Then get your drinking panties on...
by Coy Rochkes on
Looks like Nawlins, feels like your typical over-hyped new A-T-L eatery, and smells like there ain't a damn thang for me to eat in this place; and a glance at the chalkboard menu confirmed this.  Fried meat and meat with lots of creamy sauces.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking...I went in with no intention to eat. I sat at the bar with some friends and drank some draught beer.  Nice atmosphere and good service; this place is guaranteed to be a hot spot through the summer.  Just know that parking is a madhouse and the valet is the way to go.
by Nicole R. on
Marquee is a great club in my opinion. Getting in is a battle unless you are a 'somebody' or look like a 'somebody.'  But man, once you're inside, the party makes up for any snootiness you encountered outside the club. Anytime I've been here I've always seen some celeb (or wannabe celeb) and a whole bunch of models (and wannabe models). SO, if that's your thing, Marquee is a great spot for you. Bottom line- Marquee is tons of fun!
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