Buckingham Inn & Tavern
13561 Midlothian Trnpk
Midlothian, VA 23114
Chesterfield County
Phone: (804) 379-0957
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Michael S. on
Wento to Antik on a Friday night for a friends birthday party.  Like many lounges on the Bowery and heading into the LES, Antik was a small skinny long space.  From what I can tell, the bouncers did a good job of managing the door, given that my friends had rented out the space for the night.  Music was good, but nothing ground-breaking. As Harper said below, when the place got a little more crowded, they opened up a second bar in the side room (accessed through a small hallway).  All in all, a fun space to throw a birthday party, but not a place I'd run to for a random night out.
by Johnnie Doyle on
This place is dangerous...the game distracts you from the amount you're drinking, so a game later you are slipping, dropping bowling balls, and dancing in the alley. ...or in my case, throwing strikes. alcohol must be my performance-enhancing drug.
by Colby B. on
Trudy's. Were I deserving of your love, I would write this review in verse. Trudy's. Where I told a political candidate in our group who was in a runoff that I hadn't voted for him the first time and I was looking forward to not voting for him again. Trudy's. Where I watched a sloshed six foot one Brazilian lesbian with three lip piercings teach a friend some filthy Portuguese before boarding a flight back to LA. Trudy's. In college, I had convinced my parents you were a gas station so my bank statement wouldn't betray my illicit love for your Mexican Martinis. 1800. Grand Marnier. Salt half the glass ... but you know how I like it, Trudy's. You always know. Trudy's. Where I ran into the cop who had given me a speeding ticket four days before. Trudy's. Where I got a cop to tear up my speeding ticket after buying him four shots of Jager. Trudy's. Where, in your parking lot, a cop who had just committed to dismissing a speeding ticket for me, administered a field sobriety test and decided I was good to go. (I either have fantastic tolerance or the key to field sobriety tests is to make sure the cop is drunker than you are.) Trudy's. Where I might have my Last Supper in Austin, if I can get all my crap packed up and loaded. Trudy's. We'll always have Paris.
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