Bucky's Tavern
25 Frank P Consolati Wy
Lee, MA 01238
Berkshire County
Phone: (413) 243-6484
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by christina s. on
Go to Woody's if you want to dance to good music and don't feel slighted by being around mostly gay men. This place needs a facelift... in so many different ways.
by Gisela Wolanski on
This place is fun on the less busy nights...the bartender out on the back patio is awesome.
by jean w. on
I took me a while to get into Harlot. Kinda felt like it was always too crowded and full of boring looking people. And one door guy with glasses (although I never see him anymore) is really a dicktard. But it all really changed for me the night me and a group of gfs were there, tanked, dancing on *'stage,' and being given rounds of champagne by one of the owners, which we all (save one friend who still boasts about it to this day) couldn't stop dropping on the ground. Like 10 half full glasses of champagne being smashed on the ground. While we're dancing to fucking Bob Sinclaire (who I love love). And not getting kicked out, let alone off 'stage.' Now how can I have a beef with a memory maker like that. Anyway, been here dozens of times, people are still boring looking, but   you can definitely have a fun time. They do play top 40 jams, but they always seem to throw in some old skool, beats, and stuff you hear on energy. Plus, Harlot is great after work (I like how I say this like I work- so really, it's great for me to meet friends after they get off work). Much much more chill, pretty cheap drinks, and you can lounge around and admire the funky decor. *The 'stage' is literally 1 step higher than the rest of the place. Don't worry, I don't think I'm that special.
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