by Josh C. on The secuirty guards are pretty funny. They always try to kick my friend out because they accuse him of taking a piss inside the lounge. Makes me shit with laughter every time. The Good - classy decor, vibe and bacon wrapped hot dog stand outside. The Bad - steamy and sweaty rave-like room downstairs, dirty bathroom for price of drinks.
by karina a. on ahhhh, i couldn't wait to get back to new york so i could check this place out. we got here around 12ish.. and as soon as we walked in, i knew we'd have a good time. the music is off the damn hook. 80-90s hip hop? yeah, i'm in. strong drinks? yeah, i'm in. the guys were a bit pushy here and the floor was kinda sticky, but it was all about the music for me here.. i will be back very soon