Budweiser Brewery
775 Gellhorn Drive
Houston, TX 77029
Harris County
Phone: (713) 675-2311
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Budweiser Brewery - About Us
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by molly c. on
what's with all the HATE? it's a venue. but you know what? i can get a $3 beer at this venue. so that's amazing. take that chicago-venues-i-really-miss-not-counting-the-empt y-bottle. it's a venue. and it's one of the better ones around.
by Lisa O. on
Delux Burgers are excellent. The french fries are shoestring and served in wonderful shopping carts. Delux is may be the ONLY restaurant in Phoenix open until 2AM nearly (or every) night of the week. And they have been in business for over five years now, no surprises about hours changing, running out of menu items etc. Very dependable. Decent wait staff too. Negatives: Besides the burgers, I think the rest of the menu is mediocre. Don't try to go at normal dining hours, else you'll wait and wait. Try to avoid sitting at the long plank-style table in the middle of the room, unless you enjoy sitting on an uncomfortable stool with everyone else in the room staring at your back. Oh, and its noisy too.
by Kraig Storino on
I've only been here twice, and both times to see Dredg. Buy your tickets early so you don't miss out. Oh, and I must of been one of the few people not stoned at that concert, seemed like everyone was lighting up. But I'm a big fan of Dredg and they did an awesome 2 hour setlist. Parking sucks.
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