Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar
176 East Wooster Street
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Wood County
Phone: (419) 353-2999
Fax: (419) 353-7410
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar - About Us
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by Josh M. on
Went here for dinner before the Peach Drop on New Years Eve.  Had beers and mojitos at the bar with friends.  Drinks could use some work (people probably don't taste much after it turns into a nightclub).  Dinner was very good.  We tried about six different tapas and none disappointed.  Highlights included ceviche, hearts of palm salad, and baked ziti (believe it or not).  After dinner, we watched the live mambo band and great dancing.  The music was great and we would definitely return for late night. Aye Cuba!
by Macey B. on
Love this place! Awesome venue. I love the rooms and the top floor and the bars and the food and the mirrors upstairs... it's all awesome. I've only been here once, and it was for MEAT, an industrial electro night. It was awesome, I had a lot of fun. It was something new and even though I wasn't decked out in black steampunk-ware, I didn't feel weird. Everyone was too into the music to judge me, haha.
by Felicia Clermont on
In Miami, it really all depends on the night. Sometimes the club can be banging, and then some nights you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs. Mansion, for some reason, is ALWAYS packed. The name of the club pretty much resonates with any tourist, so of course they are gonna head to Mansion first before any other club. When you come in, expect to be a bit confused. There are lots of rooms and an upstairs that you have access to. Each room typically has its own DJ and music style. Expect too see girls dancing on couches, bars and the stage. Perhaps, you can even expect to see a few celebrities as well...
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