Builder's Saloon
619 Tower Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
Douglas County
Phone: (715) 395-2222
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Bernie Picking on
I'm not a fan of fish. But, I tried their fish taco because my bestie loves that stuff and just can't shut up about it. I wasn't a fan...of the fish, itself. BUT, I loved that crispy taco on the outside. Weird cuz it's just a taco but, hey...that's what I liked about the taco. LOVED THE ELOTE!!!! And that's the only reason I'm giving this place 3 stars. The spices, mayo, butter on the corn was DELICIOUS together. And it was spicy. SO spicy that after munching on it a couple times, my lips burned. Alas, I loved that corn (elote) so much that I finished it. AND that ear of corn was huge. Like, ridiculously huge. In a good way, mind you.
by Quincy Schapp on
I really like the free refills, fast wifi. I just wish the couch in the back was more comfy. Good work.
by Bonnie P. on
Disclaimer: at no time was I sober during my visit to this establishment. I mean, it was fine, and I had a good time, drunk. Cover was $5. I got my drink in a reasonable time, the music was decent if a bit ADD (they played something like 45 second clips of songs, from most of what I could tell, drunk). The crowd was okay. The layout seems less than ideal, and there is too much of a people jam to get from one place to another or find people or dance in certain areas, drunk. Not as much character as MJQ. And boy, did my dress smell awful when I left - maybe no more awful than any other smoky place, but not as worth it for some reason.
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