Bulldog Tavern
1504 Highway 76 West
Clayton, GA 30525
Rabun County
Phone: (706) 782-4961
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Kailey O. on
What a cool idea to turn the old edison bldg into a swanky bar! If you get there early, you can ask for a table before the reserved party shows up. You also avoid the crazy line i saw then I left around 12AM. I wonder how many people fall down all those stairs when trying to leave the bar super hammered??? seems like a dangerous liability to me haha. but everything basically happens downstairs from what i could tell. drinks are expensive, and people are your average LA type. There is live music, although very talented, made it hard to have a conversation with friends (even if you werent anywhere near the band). Parking is easy, but if you are alone, the neighborhood can get a little sketch. Personally I wouldn't come back here (not my scene), but it was a decent place.
by Sherwood Hunton on
This place is super cool and the bartenders make it happen.  Check out the outdoor section on the roof.  The apprizers are BIG.  Be really to eat.  My favorite dish is the philly cheese steak egg roll.  It's so good you don't need ketchup.
by Matt V. on
what up yo? G dizzle yo STUPID FUCKING CLUB
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