Bullpen Sports Bar
1201 Grandview Avenue
Muscatine, IA 52761
Muscatine County
Phone: (563) 263-8878
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Richard B. on
Dinner and a show? I stopped in this place for only a half hour early in the night, but could imagine how much fun you can have here in one night if it does turn into a free admission club. That's alright with me. I definitely will be returning.
by Percy Notah on
Such hard critics! Okay in agreement with Lotus was much better then new t&g with everything turning into a lounge spot its hard to be too hard, it doesnt cater to the big dance floor as it once did, but the bartenders will take care of you & some are still the same staff... the food took a while,but I was warned, trust the fact I needed it the buffalo bites were worth it if you go for some drinks  maybe some mingling youll be fine ;)
by Carrie N. on
Yay! A mid-week visit to mid-hollywood for mid-dle eastern humor with the Sultans of Satire. We arrived a right as the show started and sat front and center (in the mid-dle -hee hee) The comedians (whom i cant remember thier names  - actually either Im dense or drunk - but I wont admit to either) had me in stiches - a diverse group of stand-ups Arabic, a Jew/spaniard, two women, Turk and an Armenia, and a few others.  I laughed so hard I got one of those side pains like the laugh muscle is hooked on a rib. Food - Hey - I had nachos - no meat... that canned cheesy stuff and beans and sour cream and multi-colored tortilla chips. Quite the bar food - decent - hot and fresh. I dont think I could mess it up either. But, it kept my tummy from growling! I hadn't eaten since mid-day. They serve Sole (as in Solei) water - thats was all I drank since I have a doctors appointment the following day. Hence, I was completely sober and STILL curled over cause I laughed WAY too much - a fine pick me up for hump day and a stressful week. Laughter is the best medicine - I got my meds at the Hollywood Improv!  Definitely going back for more - Hook me UP!!!
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