1404 Blackiston Mill Road
Clarksville, IN 47129
Clark County
Phone: (812) 218-0671
Fax: unknownWebsite: no website on fileEmail: no email on fileHours: unknown
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by Princeton A. on Las Palmas from the owners of H Wood and The Tea Room. Previously LAX but originally Las Palmas. What do I like about this place? hmmm definitely not the interior, not he staff, not the patio, maybe just the chanderliers and fish tank. The crowd is good I guess which is the only thing the venue has going for it. I'll give it 3 stars for the chanderliers, fish tank and crowd but nothing else is worth noting about this venue. Its just as ridiculous as HWood. BORING!!!! Once the currently promoters move to a newer venue then it will be downhill from there. You would think after MyHouse, veteran cliub owners in Hollywood will stop financing dull concepts & interior designs like las palmas.Well I guess not. New clubs opens in Hollywood all the time. To find the best option for you, just message me on rateclubs or check out my website. eVita Parties provides Hollywood Guest List to Hollywood Clubs & Los Angeles Events.
by Randolph Siegel on Mansion is ok, just a very average club with a HUGE space, and it's crowed which means you need to push through people to get from point A to point B.. also mean you will get push around alot as well. My friends and I went after we all got wasted.. great place to go ( they always let you in girls ONLY) once you get to the point that you don't really care about being pushed around =) Just want a place to dance =)
by Susan G. on The only...and I do repeat the only thing I don't like about this place is the price of the drinks and the cover to get in(though Robbie usually gets me out of that!) I love the Mansion. I love that it's an after hours club...I love that I can always dance here, I love that I can still smoke inside! I love that Dj's spin some good tunes. I love it. Not to mention you meet so many unique people here! One time not too long ago we went in...were having a great time dancing and drinking, and a "woman" (i use the term lightly) hands us an invite to a party in Port Richmond...tell you what that was one of the best nights I've had in awhile...well until the getting home from PR part! Bottom like...it's a great place. It's beautiful inside the staircase is just...breathtaking...it's beautiful! Check it out if you haven't...and be a regular if your a smoker!