Bumpers Bar & Grill
3525 Chisholm Road
Iron City, TN 38463
Lawrence County
Phone: (931) 724-5544
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Hours: unknown
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by Candace L. on
$20 cover, blargh. live dancers were cool and the trumpet player was really cool. it's pretty packed with the standard downtown-partiers type crowd. again, ladiez, watch out for creepers. i ran for it a few times. music was pretty good--of the hip hop, rap, pop-dance variety. the dj liked to play just snippets of songs before moving onto the next one, which sucked because i would get into a song and then it would change quickly :/
by Rachel F. on
Good atmosphere, bar makes excellent drinks. Staff are pleasant. Fantastic happy hour prices. BUT their pricing policy on their pizza's is ridiculous. Don't add an item to their already custom pizza's. My small pizza cost me $5.00 extra to add pepperoni. Pizza margherita (w/ pepperoni) cost $20.03. What's up with that RED HOUSE?
by Alfred Tada on
Not bad, for a pirate or two. So for some good old fashioned Halloween debauchery, I agreed to go with some of my lady friends accompanying a large group of guys from SJSU and their old frat chapter out into SF.  In costume. Yes, you heard that right.  In so saying, that meant I agreed to put on some skanky hoochie mama outfit right out of Pirates of the Caribbean.  Of course, it did not help that it was pouring rain and whatever pouf I had going on with my hair fell flatter than a pancake, but I think I filled out my new black boots pretty well. Icon was slightly empty when we got there (thank god for being on the VIP list and easy check-in) but the club is divided into two areas.  The bar and the dance floor.  Both are slightly narrow and the dim lights make for a sultry evening. Wrong.  While we were dancing, I was caught in the middle of this harsh beam equivalent to that of the tractor beam utilized on Star Trek to move people around.  The floor became so packed, that I was unable to move away from the beam and it continued to scorch my eyeballs until one of my fake eyelashes fell off. Otherwise, the DJ spinning the set was pretty good.  I'm not much of a dancer when it comes to hip/hop type of music (sorry, I'm more of an electronica/trance gal) but when there are plenty of guys happy to help you move, it definitely gets easier.  I did not consume drinks at this bar because the 1/2 cup of plum wine before heading out had already hit me.  However, I would not mind coming back just to hang out and dance away. I did not run into one sleazy guy with sticky mitts, so this was promising, given the amount of cleavage and leg I was miraculously showing, but then again I was with a group of ladies.  The best defense ever.
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