Bumpers Bar & Grill
8631 North Newburgh Road
Westland, MI 48185
Wayne County
Phone: (734) 459-7720
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Gab T. on
This club definitely does it the best in the city in terms of clubs.  its consistently on top of its music and the club stays busy every night its open.  The people are great and most have been there from the beginning.  When you go to a busy club like Infusion you need to understand how they run.  Just like in Vegas when there is lines thru the casino you have to be patient.  Either come really early and avoid the lines or pay for the bottle service with your friends for a no stress evening out.  If a club is this busy you know it can't be that bad.......stop hating people because you know you all went there the same reason ITS A DOPE SPOT.
by Jenn W. on
I am happy for five minutes every time I eat the Kong's scallion pancakes (greasy but with tantalizing soy sauce). After that, my tummy grumbles in the saddest of ways, and I vow never to go again. This whole process has happened too many times now. I'll be going to Zoe's or Yenching.
by Emma Achilles on
From its entrance, I could imagine Cafe Du Nord being a tiny speak-easy where prohibition-day lushes sauntered down a somewhat steep flight of stairs into a basement-like red bar of boozy bliss. As I sauntered down this flight of stairs, I was merely happy for the low lighting and mellow buzz of enthusiasm for music and an enjoyable evening. Du Nord offers dinner before the show, which makes it seem like a place Grandma and Grandpa would love to spend the early evening savoring the local rendition of "Annie", but that's just completely off. Instead, it's a quietly rocking place where there is rarely seating in the middle of a petite hall-like auditorium with a slightly elevated, miniature stage for the performers. The sound is surprisingly well balanced, crisp. The crowd, like the music, varies, but if you're there for music you like, you'll most likely enjoy the crowd too. To top it off, it seems Cafe Du Nord likes the same Scandinavian musicians that I do, which means that I'll keep coming back for more.
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