Buoy 9 Restaurant
1416 South Virginia Dare Trail
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Dare County
Phone: (252) 480-2281
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Eric A. on
Let me first start by saying my dear lord and jesus above there has never been a better pizza place created in Atlanta by culinary standards placed upon us be the meager constraints of human imagination. It took me a moment to find this hide-away intimate spot nessled descretely between large downtown buildings, but as if guided by the hands of fates themselves I stubbled upon this pizza paradise much like moses being called to the burning bush. After having having found myself standing in the middle of this pinnacle of pizza achievement for some 15 mins i discovered I should stop standning around actually order some food. I promptly sat my chizzeld swimmers build frame down at the bar and was cordieally greeted by the places owner/ operator a man name Caleb Wheelus. "A how do you do, what can i get you" was rendered my way by this lone pizza proprietor. One slice of the "Raging Agee chicken and bleu cheese pizza please." Upon placing  what could only be called a mere pizza by us mortals, I was instantly transported to a Lovecraftian landscape of carnal pizza delights. ...it was good. Best 7 bucks a man can spend, go to slice and just sample a brief glimpse of what i speak! Be fore warned, you will never be the same again. Cold sweats, the craving, before you know it Slice downtown has you... its too late.
by Stanton Cuello on
It was Saturday night and other than Club Aqua in Jville, I haven't been to a good multiple room club in years. And as for techno/house music, only ONE in my crappy town (blah, I hate Jville) really plays that now and ONLY one night a week! Oh how I was missing the early 00's when Techno/House was respected! So my friend took me here. Let me tell you, I had such a WONDERFUL, AWESOME, FUN time here! It was really roomy in here and there were lots of people here (although my friend said it was pretty empty that night compared to how it usually is). There was a really cool light show in the main room (which my fadedness had wiped out from my memory until I found a video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com...) TWO rooms cater to Techno/House heads (double hooray!) and a third plays hip hop. I always think it's interesting when I see Asian elements in club decor. They don't do that where I live either. Still, I don't know if I'd be comfortable with seeing statues of my deities where people get drunk and do or plan on other unholy activities. Other than that, I miss this club. Hahahaha.
by Quani C. on
I pretty much live for Tuesdays. Top Shelf Tuesdays, that is! This is the day of the week where you can go to Trudy's and get an amazing top shelf Mexican martini for the price of a regular one! It's completely worth it! Yes, you can get this awesome deal at any of the Trudy's, but I just don't feel right at the other ones! Onto the review. I love Trudy's for the atmosphere and the amazing MexMarts...but, the food isn't that great. I think you really have to know what to order to get the good stuff...or just drink until it tastes good. Like I've mentioned in other reviews, it's hard to mess up the basics, like nachos and other appetizers, so I usually stick with those. Friends of mine swear by the stuffed avocados, but I don't like avocado, so I've not tried them. The other food I've had just doesn't quite meet my expectations (maybe because I'm used to Mexico Mexican food, not quite the Tex Mex). The service I've had here has always been so-so as well. On occasion, when they're not crazy busy (as they always are on Tuesdays) it's better, but definately not superb. They get four stars for the alcohol...it would've been less had it not been for Top Shelf Tuesdays! I'm looking forward to a Trudy's Trot someday, as well, if I can find a dd that won't mind holding back on the alcohol!
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