Byzantio Cafe Bar
4616 Eastern Av
Baltimore, MD 21240
Anne Arundel County
Phone: (410) 522-2220
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Hours: unknown
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by Lacy Jarmin on
I still remember the sell-lunch that launched my post-college career... THE SETTING: POD Restaurant in a futuristic private pod dining area with color changing lights.  In retrospect, I wonder if the recruiters spent the lunch lamenting the fact that they'd extended an offer to me, a simpleton glutton fascinated by the color changing controls and capable of consuming vast quantities of food. THE FOOD: In an effort to "sell" us on the jobs, the recruiters ordered a good portion of the menu, but for me, the stand outs were: 1. Lettuce Wraps with Chicken and Beef ($16) - I've always loved lettuce wraps, but these were truly exceptional with a great peanut sauce.  There is a nice smoky flavor from wok-searing and the marinade is really yummy! 2. Tempura Rock Shrimp ($15) - With pineapple and candied walnuts, this type of rock shrimp dish is now on a lot of menus, but I believe that POD's version may be the original!  In any event the grilled pineapple is still rather unique and delicious 3. Crab Spring Rolls ($16) - Sure these are pricey spring rolls, but if you are on the expense account, this is a good choice! 4. Calamari Salad ($11) - Crispy fried calamari features generously in this salad with mixed greens and a lemongrass dressing 5. Glazed Chilean Sea Bass ($28) - Oh yes, more please!  The fish is excellent, but my favorite is the mashed Japanese sweet potatoes.  Buttery, sweet, creamy and fluffy, I dare not venture a guess as to the multitude of sinful ingredients hidden within its secret recipe After ending the extravagant lunch with the Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate dessert, it was an easy decision to accept the job! THE DRINKS: I've revisted POD many times through the years.  I can fondly recall attempting to drink the rainbow with my partners in crime during the $5 happy hour.  My favorites are pink (champagne, pineapple and cranberry) and yellow (passion fruit vodka, yuzu and grapefruit). PARTING THOUGHT: Although many things on the menu are delicious, my all time favorite meal is still the Lettuce Wraps with Chicken and Beef and a side of Japanese Sweet Potatoes (they usually do it for ~$4)
by Cletus Warshauer on
Hahahahahaha! So I finish work one day and I'm walking around town and I see this absolute dive. I'm by myself and I thought, the hell with it, might as well check out another dive bar. This looks like something out of Taxi Driver. I don't think they have updated the place since it was opened. But I guess that's what the patrons like! It was an experience for sure. It was around 4 on a weekday afternoon and I had a sandwich and a beer for $6! I was apprehensive about ordering food but it was actually alright..huge greasy reuben sandwich arrived, and I ended up taking half home. I did not get food poisoning and the beer was cold so I can't really complain. Two stars? This is a dive, you might stop in for a laugh and a shot but really unless you wish to be stared at sitting at the bar, you wouldn't want to spend a great deal of time inside! Recommended only if you are on your last few dollars and are probably already too wasted to care.
by Molly K. on
This ain't Vegas- for sure. Don't let the odd location in a Big Lots parking lot fool you. Once you walk in you'll change your mind. The music is different on any given night, from hip hop to mash ups, to top 40's. The place glows of red lighting and bars along the walls.
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